What's for Dinner?
Jana Schofield
NOTE: You must have Cook'n installed to use this download!
- Over 650 recipes
- 174 simple menus
- Cooking tips and tricks

Cook'n What's for Dinner?
"What's for Dinner?" is a compilation of 174 simple, different menus and over 650 recipes. Menus are organized by week and include a main dish, vegetable, salad, dessert and some also include a bread selection. Recipes are included for all menu items. "Looking Ahead" entries give instructions on making 3 or 4 meals in the same amount of time as preparing one. It includes 3 separate indexes--alphabetical, category and ingredient. It also includes a glossary, tricks of the trade, equipment lists, weights and measurements and more.
"I might learn how to cook yet with all this software of yours. You can't believe how much it has helped. I've had friends come over (I'm just a single guy with a dog - but looking for the right woman) and rave about the meals I prepared for them. It's not all that hard if you just follow the directions. In the end I have to tell them my secret, it's not talent - it's your software.
Oh well, the food is still delicious. Now if I could just figure out how to use the dishwasher.
"I must say this is the best recipe software I have ever owned."
"Your DVO cookbook software saves me time and money!"
-Mary Ann
"Call it nutrition software, diet software, food software, or whatever you want. It is the software I use to stay healthy!"
"Your software is the best cooking software out there!"
"Thank you so very much for creating such a wonderful recipe program."