Volume II
August 26, 2005

Butter vs. Margarine
When I was a kid, it seemed like we always used margarine or some kind of butter substitute in my home. I'm not sure why. It's probably because my Mom didn't want us to get fat.
Kathy and I only use real butter. I don't even remember making a decision to do it. One time Kathy told me how they put margarine and butter next to each other outside on the deck for the birds. The birds only ate the butter and wouldn't touch the margarine. Kathy said that if the birds wouldn't eat it, maybe we shouldn't. Maybe that's when the decision was made.
What do you think? Which do you use in your home? Cast your vote and let your voice be heard! I can't wait to see the results and to read your comments. They're always so fascinating and educational. Your collective opinion is worth more to me than any scientific study!
Have a great month!!