Volume II
December 23, 2004

Do you prefer a fake or a real Christmas tree?
I remember hiking through the snow at Christmas time to cut down our own Christmas tree.
Hauling it home was work but it was great fun too.
I can still remember the pine scent that filled our home at Christmas time.
It was quite a shock to me when I married Kathy and discovered that she didn't like live trees.
She saw them from a completely different point of view than me.
She looks at them and sees a stinky, fire hazard.
She worries that as the tree warms up in the house all the spiders are going to come out and... get on us I guess. Or that it's going to spontaneously combust while we're away and burn the house down. Consequently, we put up a fake tree every year and it's just not the same; at least for me it's not.
What about you? Do you prefer a fake or a real Christmas tree? Cast your vote and let your voice be heard!
Merry Christmas!