Volume II
September 30, 2005

Is Homemade Chicken Soup the Cure?
Whenever we got sick, my Grandma Sponkowski would always make homemade chicken soup for us. She called it Polish Penicillin. That stuff could grow back a limb!
Often times, she would make homemade noodles to go with. She said that goose eggs made the best homemade noodles. I missed her when I left Michigan to go to school at BYU in Utah.
I called her every month to visit with her and see how she was doing. Since she loved goose eggs so much, Kathy and I sent eggs from our geese to her all the way from Utah.
We thought we were doing something nice for her but in return, she sent us a package with homemade noodles! It was so special that we didn't have the heart to eat them. We put them in a jar and have it on our counter for decoration to this day. You could never out-give Bobchi. She was awesome. I love her and miss her so much.
As I think about the theme of this newsletter, I remember Bobchi and her magical chicken soup. When Kathy or the kids get sick, I always make homemade chicken soup for them.
Now I'm wondering if homemade chicken soup really does have medicinal qualities or if we just feel better because we believe it will make us better.
What do you think? Cast your vote and let me know!
Have a great month!!