Ding Dong Cake

Ohhh...baby...SOO good!!
Leslie Tonks
Newsletter Contributor since 2017
Email the chef! leslie@dvo.com
While slicing cucumbers for todays Tomato, onion, and Cucumber Salad, slice an additional 4 cucumbers for day fours Creamy Cucumber Salad.
After grating the zucchini for todays cake slice 2 more zucchini into 1/8 to 1/4-inch thick coins to use day 5 in Fried Zucchini Coins.
Prepare and begin Marinating the Honey Orange BBQ Chicken for tomorrows dinner.
Use the Chicken that you marinated overnight today.
BBQ some extra Chicken to be cut up and used day 5 in the Chicken Salad.
Use the cucumbers you sliced on day 1 for todays salad.
Wash and reserve an additional 4 cups of strawberries, 2 cups blackberries and 1 cup blueberries to be used day 5 in Easy Fruit Salad.
Instead of poaching chicken for todays recipe use the extra chicken that you barbecued on day 4.
Use the sliced zucchini from day 2 in todays recipe.
Use the washed berries you reserved from day 4.