Hi, I just purchased your program today. I bought it mainly to organize my recipes. I have put in about 20 so far, and I love it. It is so easy to use.
Thanks for a great product.
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10% Off All Orders of Cook'n!
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The real investment you make in Recipe Software is not the price you pay to buy it, but rather, the time you spend organizing your treasured family recipes. Consequently, Recipe Software is only as good as the company supporting it. That’s why it is important to choose Recipe Software from a reputable company that is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction.
Cook'n is the best Recipe Organizer money can buy. We have been selling Cook'n for 16 years and have over 1 Million satisfied customers. We are the only company that offers telephone, e-mail, and live chat support, a wide selection of brand-name cookbooks for less than the printed books in the store, and a free monthly newsletter. We provide a Forum where you can communicate with other Cook'n users to post questions, share recipes, and so forth and we offer helpful accessories like decorative, printer-ready recipe cards and binders so you can make your own family cookbook!
* The 200% guarantee is valid for 30 days from purchase date.
* Refunds are not given after 30 days of purchase date.
Risk-Free 200% Guarantee Means You Can’t Lose
If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of your Cook'n Software, I will refund your purchase! In fact, I will go one step further and pay for another recipe software product of your choice. So, order today and join the Cook'n Family!

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