EASY and DIFFERENT Ways to use Hard-boiled Eggs
If you have the tradition of dying Easter eggs for Easter, hopefully we’ve got some ideas to help you out. If you don’t have that tradition, hopefully you still benefit by discovering at least one more way to eat a hard-boiled egg.
In my family, we always wanted to dye many multiple eggs. The more the merrier. This one was a patriotic egg, this one had our name written on it, this one sat in all of the colored dyes way too long, etc. It was so fun, but we were always left with dozens of eggs in the fridge. Dozens of hard-boiled eggs, and it’s not like those keep very long either.
There are GREAT ways to use hard-boiled eggs, all of which I love. But there’s got to be more. Most of the time, we think of deviled eggs, egg salad sandwiches, potato salad, or just plain eggs with butter, salt, and pepper. I’m sure there are tons of recipes out there that would use them, but there’s got to be an easier way to throw something together.

So, getting ideas from many, I found some ways to spice up a meal with a simple flair of hard-boiled egg. No grueling tasks or trip to the store for ingredients. Most of these are simple and you may even have done them yourself. But I bet you haven’t tried them all!
If you know any more ideas, please share! I LOVE hard-boiled eggs (probably too much) but I would love to know more ways on how to use them.
Hard-boiled Egg Ideas
- One woman cuts them up and mixes soy sauce, lemon juice, and garlic-chili with them, and serves over steamed rice. Sounds good!
- Add to a salad
- Add to a club sandwich
- Make egg tuna sandwich, turn that into a melt if desired
- Deviled eggs with a flair: instead of just paprika, add asparagus, bacon, or chopped fresh herbs (or all of the above).
- Cream the egg (make a white sauce) and add to beef or chicken. Curry is optional.
- Eat on toast with butter. Add peas if desired.
- Egg and Avocado: Mashed together and twisted in a wrap with mayo and curry or paprika
- Pickle the egg
- Egg salad sandwich with watercress and parsley
- Eat it with pickle juice
- Macaroni salad with celery, mayo, salt and pepper, and chicken
- Make a lettuce wrap, don’t forget the eggs!
- Place on English muffin with a tomato slice and cheese. Broil.
- Make a casserole with the leftover ham and eggs you have.
- Make a dip with cream cheese or yogurt. Just puree.
- Add to a salmon sandwich. I am not a fan of salmon, but for those who are, I bet it’s great!
- Some recipes use hard-boiled eggs in the middle of bread or meatloaf.
- Add to a soup
- Soy sauce eggs (1 Tbsp rice vinegar, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 6 eggs. Sealed in a bag and left in the fridge in order to marinate for a few hours)
- When asking for ideas, someone responded to me “ I know a super easy way to de-shell a hard-boiled egg. Crack off a little bit of the smaller end, hold the egg lightly, but firmly between your fingers, and blow with a gust of wind- it will come shooting out the other side.” Ha ha I’d be careful with that one, and wouldn’t use it if you’re taking the food to someone else, but it sounds kind of fun!
- You can always look at past articles, too. There is a creative Green Eggs and Ham recipe in “Don’t Panic! It’s Not too Late!” you can check out.
- Or there are always these:

- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Iu4nDja14Po/TO0mWJZY8sI/AAAAAAAAAEo/qLBhNjAmBz8/s320/DSC01644.JPG
Sydney Hill
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2012
Email the author! sydney@dvo.com