Cute, Quick and Easy is Eggscellent!
I'm not the most organized person in the world. I find that holidays and events sneak up on me before I know it. So sometimes I find it hard to go the extra mile with holidays- even though I love it! I always get excited for holidays and want to go all out. I love when people really get into the holidays and find creative ways to celebrate them. I think it is so important to remember the real reasons we celebrate things- especially holidays like Christmas and Easter. There is so much power behind the meaning of these beautiful celebrations- and I am grateful for them! It's the main reason these holidays are my favorite. But I still think it's fun to do the small little things. Life is short- and I believe in finding joy in the simple things.
So here's a list of simple and fun ideas for your Easter celebrations- for those of you who may not be super organized (like me!) and are scrambling last minute to try and put something together for Easter, or for those who like to celebrate simply, without spending a lot of money on expensive decorations and food.
Easter Day typically means a big, delicious dinner- but that can sometimes take up a lot of our time and not leave very much for making the table beautiful and festive! For some quick ideas, you could:
- Sprinkle the table with mini Cadbury eggs, Easter M&Ms, and Peeps
- Wrap green plastic silverware in bright orange napkins to create carrot copycat utensils
- Wrap avacados in a variety of pastel tissue paper and put in a bowl filled with Easter grass for some giant Easter egg decorations
- If you know that you will be using a lot of eggs anyways, save the shell s to make a flower centerpiece! Gently poke a hole at the top of your egg and crack off the top. Rinse with water, and repeat for all 12 eggs. Place the eggs back in the carton with the hole facing up. Fill each egg with a little water, and place a variety of flowers in the different eggs for a fun and different centerpiece.
- Serve finger food in plastic eggs- you can hold them up by placing them in an egg carton, and then filling them with foods like olives, carrots, cheese cubes, or anything else that can be cut into small pieces.

And for some cute food ideas (that could also double as decorations!):
- For a super cute version of deviled eggs- cut and scoop the eggs from the top, fill them back up with your favorite deviled egg recipe, and put the top back on. Use 2 small black olive pieces for eyes and a tiny carrot piece for a nose- and you have some yummy, adorable chicks!
- Fill frosting piping bags with goldfish, Cheetos, or any other orange snack and tie off with green ribbon for some delicious 'carrots'
- Make chocolate pudding, sprinkle with crushed Oreos, and place strawberries dipped in orange-dyed chocolate through the top- and you have a lovely garden of ready to eat carrots (and dirt! ;) )
- Using pretzels or Chinese noodles, melt chocolate or marshmallow and make little nests for your mini Cadbury eggs and peeps for a cute and scrumptious treat
- Use kitchen scissors to cut 'ears' into your rolls to make cute little bunnies- one snip per ear
- Make a fruit pizza- but make an oval 'egg' instead of a circle. Use the fruits to create an Easter egg pattern or design

However you decide to celebrate this Easter, I hope it is a happy one with loved ones- filled with the message of hope that Easter brings!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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